Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

For mother's day we took our mom's out to the Wild Animal Park to see the Epiphyllum blooms.  Normally I'm not into flowers...but these are just beautiful and so we knew our moms would love them. They are a cactus flower that only blooms twice a year and once each flower blooms, they only live for 24 hours.  They come in so many beautiful, vibrant colors!  If only they didn't take three years to grow and lived longer than 24 hours...then maybe I would try to grow one. For now, I'm happy to just go see how other people are growing them.


It was my last mother's day of not being a mother and it was exciting to think that next year I'll have a baby to celebrate with!  

Visit to San Francisco

My cousin Allison got married and so we got to take a trip to San Francisco!  We got to stay with Cindy and Mark and visit with Kevin and Alina too.  It was so nice to get away and really feel like we were on vacation.  We had the best weather we could have asked for in the city!

I'm not big on taking pictures of the food that I eat...but, we went to this place for Breakfast Sliders and I had one of the 49 chicken and waffle sliders that they make I thought it was worth it.

The bride and the entire wedding was beautiful and it was nice to see all my cousins and my family!  My cousin Amanda (the freakishly tan one compared to us pale beauties) just got back from living at the beach in  Australia....I'm never standing next to her in a photo again until I'm at least a little tan.  I had a great time in the photo I love photo booths.



Maybe loving photo booths is genetic.

Thanks for hosting us San Francisco!

Welcome to the Third Trimester!

A few weeks ago I had my first, well, this is happening and it's getting closer moment!  I went to put on a dress I've been wearing throughout my pregnancy as it was comfortable and loose.  And, when Adam tried to zip it up, he just said...sorry.  So, I picked out a top that when I bought it I thought it was so big!  I had asked my mom to take it in a little.  She, knowingly, said that we should wait a little longer.  And, now it fits.  So, the bigger I get, the more I realize that this baby is growing and getting bigger everyday.

And she is reminding me.  All the time.  I'm constantly being kicked which is the strangest feeling.  Well, except for when she's rolling around.  That's stranger.  Well, except for when she has the hiccups.

And I'm growing bigger and bigger every week.  See for yourself!