Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Lights

Yes, that is Adam on top of our roof. I really wanted the lights up there...but I was terrified while he was up there doing it. Even a few of our neighbors came out to watch him up there.
I've been looking foward to hanging Christmas lights up on our house pretty much since the day we moved in. And...I think it turned out pretty cute!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We only had a small handful of trick-or-treaters, but it was still a good first Halloween at Casa Cab. That's what I'm calling it. Don't tell Lindsay, I haven't consulted with her yet. Also, our pumpkins were rad. Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Closet Makeover

The only problem with our new house was that the master bedroom had a tiny closet with really bad built ins. So, when we moved it we each took a closet in the other two bedrooms. We took on this project over the last two weekends and it's finally done!

On weekend one we had to rip out the old built ins, patch the drywall and paint (we're not very good at before photos.

On weekend two we (well, Adam and his dad) cut and installed all the closet pieces from Home Depot. Now, we just have to get all our clothes moved into the new closet.

We're so happy to have all our clothes in one room now!