Thursday, January 10, 2013

Noodle's First Christmas

Noodle is a fan of Christmas because of her #1 new toy, tissue paper.  Leave a pile of gently used tissue and  in a few days time, it's ripped to shreds.  She jumps in it, runs and slides into it, carries her toys to it and just all out loves it.  And lucky for her, we have a lot of tissue paper. See proof below.

Noodle did not care for the part of Christmas which required her to wear a penguin costume for her parent's enjoyment.  And so it was hard to get a photo of.  

And we didn't care for the part of Christmas where we didn't get a tree in fear of Noodle knocking it over, the part where we knew we were right about this when we came home to broken glass and ornaments that WAS a beautiful display when we left the house or the fact that she eats ribbon and so we couldn't put any ribbon on wrapped presents.  So, I guess we're even.

10 on 10 January

Happy 2013!  

I stayed up until midnight!  Big news these days.  Other exciting new years news....I got to see Kristi with a pregnant belly and Alicia and Bridget both got engaged!  It's going to be an exciting summer full of celebrations and I can't wait!

I'm still not very good at this "10" thing, but here are 7 photos about my day today.