Sunday, March 4, 2012


I finally made something off and it was as amazing as it said it would be. Invite yourself over for breakfast so I have a reason to make this again...

Next House Project Complete: Attic

Last weekend we made ourselves some storage space in the garage. It was one of the easiest projects we (read Adam and his dad) have done and yet it was one of my favorites as it let me put a bunch of boxes out of sight!

Here's before:

Here's after:

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

We celebrated with our traditional pink, heart pancakes. I thought they looked very cute this year. I also had time (after valentine's day of course) to make some cute decor for next year. Here is a sneak peak at my heart garland that I loved so much it was up for almost a month after Valentines day...I'm looking forward to next year already.