Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Real News

The news you have all been waiting for is finally here....we're having a baby!  And it's GIRL!  Baby girl P will be joining us around July 27th!

So pretty much this will turn from a blog about our cat to a blog about a baby.  But I think they will both be pretty cute.

So far I've gone from this:

To this:

I feel so lucky that I have not had any terrible pregnancy symptoms that you hear about.  Other than the fact that I can't get over what my belly looks like everyday...I'm great!  My strangest symptom so far is that during the first trimester I didn't crave any sweets!  But, I'm over that and want sweets now pretty much all the time.  I've been having very vivid dreams which is fun and sleeping extra which is wonderful.  Adam has been very helpful in catering to my extra needs.

We've been working on the baby's room (with Noodle's help) and have gotten some furniture together.

I may have made a lengthy "Before Baby Comes" list of projects that I want to finish around the house. So Adam and his dad have been tackling these fun projects. And Daddy To Be has even done some on his own.  These are not super fun photos to post pictures of...adding insulation to the attic has been difficult to capture on film...but they are happening and keeping us busy.

We feel so lucky to have such love and support around us during this very exciting time!  Now that we're "social media" official....more updates to come!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am smiling so big! You are the cutest and I love your photos. I am also so excited that you're having a girl!! I can already picture her sweet face. :)

    You guys are already amazing parents. Love you!
