Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sadie's First Trip to the Zoo

We had been very excited to take Sadie to the zoo for the first time and we finally did it!  We tried a few weeks back, but by the time we got to the zoo in the late afternoon, we had a screaming baby who had spit up all over her clothes and there was no place to park in their entire parking lot.  So, we felt very defeated and gave up.

So last weekend, we went a little earlier in the day, brought plenty of extra supplies in the diaper bag and we made it!  No tears at all!  Sadie even had a little nap while we were there.  And even though the only animals she really saw were some gazelles and the thing she liked the most was a waterfall in a bird aviary....we felt so accomplished that we took our baby to the zoo!  Sadie didn't even cry on the way home which is a major accomplishment!

We're looking forward to many more trips to the zoo in the future...

Seeing the koalas.

Sadie's favorite waterfall.

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