Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sadie's First Trip to the Zoo

We had been very excited to take Sadie to the zoo for the first time and we finally did it!  We tried a few weeks back, but by the time we got to the zoo in the late afternoon, we had a screaming baby who had spit up all over her clothes and there was no place to park in their entire parking lot.  So, we felt very defeated and gave up.

So last weekend, we went a little earlier in the day, brought plenty of extra supplies in the diaper bag and we made it!  No tears at all!  Sadie even had a little nap while we were there.  And even though the only animals she really saw were some gazelles and the thing she liked the most was a waterfall in a bird aviary....we felt so accomplished that we took our baby to the zoo!  Sadie didn't even cry on the way home which is a major accomplishment!

We're looking forward to many more trips to the zoo in the future...

Seeing the koalas.

Sadie's favorite waterfall.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sadie's First Plane Ride

Last weekend Sadie and I took a big adventure.  Kristi and Oliver were coming from Baltimore to Sacramento to visit their family and so we flew up to see them.  Kristi and I just couldn't stand it that our babies had not met yet.  Thankfully Alicia came with us so we had an extra set of hands on the airplane.

I was really nervous since Sadie had recently learned a new, really loud, like pausing to take a full breath so she can use it all to scream, cry.  But, Sadie did great on the airplane!  She fell asleep after we went through security and slept through take off.  She was happy and smiling the entire flight.  The flight attendants even made an announcement that we had a very special passenger aboard and that her name was Sadie and she was only three months old.  All the passengers clapped and she got a pair of wings and a certificate!

It was so wonderful to finally meet baby Oliver and see Kristi!  It had been almost a year since we had seen each other.  Although we learned how hard it is to visit when one baby or the other is always eating, trying to fall asleep or needing a diaper change...but we had fun anyways.  And most importantly Oliver and Sadie had their first date!

They even held hands.

Matching holiday jammies.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sadie's Three Months Old!

It's amazing how time flies when you're home with a baby!  Our baby girl is three months old and weighs twice as much as when she was born.  She's growing like a weed and is already wearing six month clothing.

We have had some challenges this month.  Bottles are still a challenge but after a "Bottle Stand Off" with her dad, Sadie is finally taking bottles again much to our relief.  She's not always happy about it and really lets us know...but if she's hungry, she'll drink it.  And this means that Grandma and Grandpa can watch her for longer than 2 hours!

Sadie also stopped sleeping through the night.  It was an amazing feeling for almost two weeks she was sleeping from about 10pm to 6am.  I had dreams.  I felt like a normal person again.  I hadn't slept through the night since I was seven months pregnant.  And then, one night, she just stopped.  She has been either getting up about 3 or 4 am to eat or she sleeps until about 5...neither of which we're crazy about.  But we are just thankful that she sleeps in long stretches and that sometimes she is still sleeping through the night.  We know that she can do it and that she'll get there again someday.

BUT, Sadie looks at us and smiles. And laughs.  And turns to our voices.  And snuggles into our necks when she's sleepy.  And it makes it all worth it.  She knows who we are and loves us.

Working hard at Tummy Time.

Outgrowing the Rhine family cradle.
Finally, what we have been waiting for... a photo of them together.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Petersens!

Sadie and Noodle both dressed up like kitty cats.  Sadie made it to two houses trick or treating and then her grandparents all came over to see her.  We had the most trick or treaters that we have ever had at our house and we almost ran out of candy!  The last set we got before we turned off the lights were teenagers and I was so embarrassed when I handed them each one piece of candy instead of the handful I'd been giving out all evening.

Adam and I really felt like parents when we were taking our child trick or treating.  It was a strange moment to think that we were going to be doing this for years to come!

When we were taking Sadie's picture Noodle wanted to be in all the pictures we were taking of Sadie so badly.  She was in almost all of them that we took and we had to just crop her out...

Sadie's Official Halloween Portrait
Noodle's Official Halloween Portrait.